Lisanne Poyé
Advocaat | Associate
Lisanne maakt deel uit van het Healthcare & Life Sciences team. Zij begeleidt, adviseert en procedeert (voor) partijen binnen de zorg- en life sciences sector.
Vanwege haar grote interesse in privacy en AI binnen de zorg, heeft Lisanne naast de master Gezondheidsrecht, tevens de master Informatierecht aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam afgerond.
Door haar diverse studieachtergrond kan Lisanne juridische vraagstukken vanuit verschillende invalshoeken bekijken. Haar zorgvuldige aanpak en directe communicatiestijl stellen haar in staat om effectief te adviseren en te begeleiden binnen de zorg- en life sciences sector.
"The Van Doorne team has broad experience, an outstanding reputation in the market with both clients and professionals"
"They chose the right strategy and executed it perfectly, handing a strategic win that turned the case upside down. They did not lose sight of the endgame. I would rate their litigation practice as top notch and client care as A+. They are top-quality people. They have the bench strength to handle complex cases and meet tight deadlines"
"Van Doorne resolves complex matters in a pragmatic way, keeping our best interests at heart"
"We know that matters will be handled by Van Doorne with excellence and a strong practical approach"
"The team is responsive. It provides hands-on advice on a tactical level. Matters are being handled by a multidisciplinary team, with all relevant subject matter experts involved. The firm is able to engage international experts quickly too"
Team Overheid & Regulering
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