Joost Volkers

Joost helps find a solution that works not only legally, but also commercially. He is a dedicated collaborative partner for clients on complex issues and disputes in financing, restructuring and bankruptcy law. Joost possesses the ability to get a good handle on a complex and often international playing field in a short space of time. In determining an effective strategy, he considers all options: litigate when necessary, but always look for the most effective solution for the client.
Joost combines in-depth legal knowledge with excellent commercial and numerical insight. In his daily practice, Joost advises and litigates on matters including bankruptcy law, finance documentation, distressed situations, enforcement of securities and the WHOA (Court Approval of a Private Composition (Prevention of Insolvency) Act). National and international clients can count on targeted advice provided in plain language. He is characterised by his enthusiasm and analytical ability.
Joost frequently publishes on his area of expertise and gives regular presentations and lectures. He is a member of several professional associations.