For the World of tomorrow
Climate change and resource scarcity

Climate change and resource scarcity
We depend on our planet. Nonetheless, we ask too much of it. Natural resources are being depleted, biodiversity is declining, and food scarcity is increasing. In 2030, the demand for energy will be 50 per cent higher than it is today. The climate will change even more violently. We must adapt.

Demographic shifts
Demographic developments have a big impact on how we live with each other and how we relate to each other. An ageing population, urbanisation and rising migration. Those transitions? They started a long time ago all over the world.

Power shifts
The carefully constructed post-war world order is facing major challenges. Democracy, the rule of law, human rights, free trade and market formation; uncertainties are seeping into even the most basic certainties. Major shifts are also taking place within the global economy.

Technological disruption
There is no status quo in technology; today's developments are merely the basis for tomorrow's new technology. You, too, are going to face profound and perhaps unpredictable technological changes. Does your company need to adapt to a new reality?
For tomorrow
We are not living in an era of change, but in a change of era. Politics. Climate. Technology. Everything is in a state of flux. In transition.