Op de Chambers ranglijst 2020 staat Van Doorne als kantoor op het gebied van FinTech opnieuw met een Band 1 ranking. Louis Jonker is nieuw gerankt in Band 3.
Over het FinTech-team zegt Chambers:
“Van Doorne supported us in this complicated topic and we were very glad for their work. It was a matter on Dutch law and we needed their help as we had no expertise in this sector. They had to co-ordinate with us internationally and it was very well done”
“They have a unique FinTech proposition that covers all of the relevant legal areas with a strong focus on technology.”
Over Louis Jonker:
“Sources praise his ‘strength on IP, data protection, open source networks,’ and call him ‘very talented’ and ‘a sharp guy’.”
Meer informatie over FinTech bij Van Doorne vindt u op de speciale FinTech-pagina.
De jaarlijkse Chambers-ranglijsten worden gebaseerd op feedback van cliënten en peer reviews. Chambers is één van de meest toonaangevende gidsen in de internationale advocatuur.