Future Pensions Act
The Dutch pensions system is constantly evolving. The introduction of the Future Pensions Act (Wet toekomst pensioenen ‘Wtp’) is a good example of this. The WTP aims to make the system more balanced, personal and transparent. The transition creates leeway for customisation and flexibility, allowing pension funds to respond to the individual needs of their members. The transition to this new pension system poses significant challenges. It is a complex process involving many parties. Van Doorne guides its clients through this transition.
Pension providers are busy improving the sustainability principles of their investment strategies in order to promote a positive environmental impact and to take their own social responsibility. They take their role in reducing CO2 emissions seriously and often need advice on this. At Van Doorne, we help our clients to develop policies and guidelines on sustainable investing and to integrate sustainability factors into investment decisions.
Full service
Van Doorne is the partner for pension funds, insurers, regulators, implementing organisations and companies on pension issues. Our multidisciplinary approach means we work for this sector in integrated teams of specialist colleagues from across the firm. We are not only there for you with pension specialists, but work as a close-knit team in which specific areas of expertise, like investment management, notarial services, tax and financial regulatory, come together. This puts us in a good position to assist our clients with large and complex transactions, disputes and investigations.
As a firm, we are all about accessibility, perseverance, having a hands-on mentality and an efficient approach. We believe in long-term relationships, exchanging knowledge and experience and celebrating success together. This is how we build long-term relationships with our clients, with personal contact and mutual trust being paramount.