Tycho Ruers

Tycho specialises in European and national procurement law. He litigates and advises on a variety of procurement law issues and has extensive experience in supervising procurement procedures. Tycho also specialises in corporate law and as such has been part of the Corporate Law team.
Tycho is co-author of the standard work ‘Sdu Commentaar Aanbestedingsrecht’ (commentary on procurement law) and ‘Sdu Tekst & Toelichting Aanbestedingswet’ (text and explanatory notes on the Procurement Act). He often publishes articles on procurement law topics in, among other places, the JAAN (Jurisprudentie Aanbestedingsrecht) (procurement law jurisprudence) and the Tender Newsletter.
Tycho has two bachelor’s degrees from Utrecht University (University College Utrecht and Utrecht Law College) and a master’s degree in business law from Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. He also completed the Law Firm School in 2017.