Our area of expertise
The team advises a large number of international and national clients, active in the financial sector. The team advises parties on various queries related to European and national financial supervision law, , among others (the Dutch implementation of) CRD/CRR, PSD/PSR, AIFMD, MiFID/MiFIR, Solvency II, AMLD, DORA, SFDR/CSRD (and sustainability legislation more broadly), MiCAR, ECSPR and the Directive in relation to consumer credit.
In addition, we have knowledge and understanding of regulatory guidelines, such as guidelines and standards published by EIOPA, EBA, ESMA, the Dutch Central Bank, and the Authority for the Financial Markets. This also applies to industry standards, such as those published by the Dutch Association of Insurers and the Dutch Banking Association.
Integral approach
We see it as our job to identify the continuous changes within financial supervision law for our clients and advise them integrally on all aspects of financial supervision law. This includes execution, compliance and implementation of all aspects of financial supervision law.
Our services include:
- Advising and assisting with market access to the capital market;
- Supporting clients in contact with regulators;
- Advising on the Dutch implementation and interpretation of European directives; and
- Advising on current and future financial regulations and ensuring ongoing compliance with financial regulatory laws;
Our dedicated team focuses on banks and non-bank financing such as crowdfunding, funds and fund managers, fintech’s, and insurers. Examples include financial service providers, investment firms, investment institutions, pension institutions, (institutional) investors, payment service providers and electronic money institutions.