Dear clients, friends of Van Doorne,
The far-reaching measures, which are meant to stem the spread of the Coronavirus, are having a huge impact on our society. Like the Dutch Prime Minister Rutte said in his address to the nation: “The virus will be around for quite some time”.
Van Doorne has been preparing for this in recent weeks and we have phased in working from home. In principle, all lawyers, civil-law notaries and tax lawyers will be working from home as of 16 March 2020.
So far, our first experiences are very encouraging, our systems are functioning well, and all employees are very determined to weather this crisis together. Clients can be reassured that our business infrastructure fully supports remote working and enables us to maintain our high standards of service provision. Our experts are fully available and can be contacted by all the usual means (telephone, email, post). If possible, any physical meetings will be replaced by online (video) conference facilities and conference calls.
Last week, our approach was also covered by professional journals, including Advocatenblad:
“Van Doorne also completely facilitates working from home”, says Managing Partner Saskia Laseur. “Our IT network is ready to fully support working from home by all our employees. The chronically ill and those taking care of someone dear to them, have already been working from home for some time. If employees must be physically present in the office, we can segment the office building, thanks to having two entrances, to limit the risk of contagion. We also offer alternative means of transport. Furthermore, all unimportant appointments have been cancelled. We are closely monitoring the situation all the time and will react immediately if necessary”.
Our experts are happy to provide you with the best possible service in these challenging times. Here you will find answers to some of the questions we received in the field of state aid, education and healthcare employees.
We wish you, your loved ones and employees, all the best.
On behalf of the board,
Saskia Laseur